(Jan. 19 update: This protest has now appeared in regional papers including the Valley News and Keene (N.H.) Sentinel. Thanks, VN, for permission to use Laura DeCapua's photo! Strong e-mail and letter-to-editors reaction gives hope that people may be ready to challenge "terror war" policy...)
My op-ed on the Border Patrol's checkpoint in Hartford, Vt., appears in The Boston Globe today.ARRIVING a few minutes late, I told my students about a delay at the Interstate 91 Border Patrol checkpoint in Hartford, 100 miles from the Canada line.
"Oh," a twenty-something student asked, "you mean the Whiteness Checkpoint'?"
His classmates didn't laugh out loud. They just snickered, appreciating an apparently well-worn joke. ... click to read rest of Globe op-ed!
It's great to have this piece appear in the region's "hometown" paper. These new "terror war" checkpoints, far inside our borders, won't stop terrorists, but they do institutionalize racial profiling and promote the administration's "stay scared" agenda. Click for links to stories on the checkpoint's intrusive operations and proposed $9-million HQ.
Global protests couldn't stop the Iraq invasion-- but couldn't national and local protests stop the building of this first of many proposed "inland" roadblocks?
1 comment:
Dear "Patriot,"
Even Newt Gingrich thinks this checkpoint is stupid and will never catch a terrorist. Making America safe means deploying dollars and manpower where they will actually count. The checkpoint is a political ploy. You don't know anything about where the checkpoint is (terrorists can get off right before it and right back on again), about my politics, about the fact that my whole family is law enforcement, or about what it means to be a real, informed patriot. In America, patriots are jealous of the civil liberties our forefathers bought with their lives. Save your "typical attitude of the left" crap for Rush Limbaugh's "patriotic" circle jerk of angry, uninformed bigots...
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